Karen Roberts

Karen Roberts has worked in the field of Hoshin Kanri and organizational improvement for the past twenty-five years. Her practice concentrates on facilitating, training and consulting to organizations on ways to increase their effectiveness. Most often this involves strategic planning, quality concepts, communications, leadership, and team development.

A comprehensive corporate life has given her the knowledge and skills necessary to help organizations create positive improvement. She has sought out the most effective methodologies available for creating excellence.

Her broad scope and varied experience has made her a sought after advisor to organizations across the country. Her more recent experience includes facilitating teams for NASA, Windsor Industries, Emerson Electric and Johnson & Johnson Medical.  She has also facilitated strategic planning sessions for the Department of the Interior and provided leadership training, strategic planning and Performance Team Building to executive level management groups like Amgen, Exabyte, Cordis de Mexico (a division of Johnson & Johnson) and Roche Chemicals.

She has a master's degree in Organizational Communications from the University of New Mexico and a master's degree in Business Administration. Karen has also trained with the creator of Hoshin Kanri, Dr. Yogi Akao.



Dr. Yogi Akao

Dr. Yogi Akao and Karen Roberts at a 1998 QFD Conference in Novi, Michigan.